Bali News

Walk in a convoy in the Balinese Mapeed Tradition

mapeed tradition
Ig by @balihighlights

The “mapeed” tradition is one of the unique cultures and traditions in Bali that has been passed down from generation to generation.

If you have ever seen on billboards or other media, the accompaniment of mothers wearing uniforms, both the color of the clothes (usually white) and the sarong/cloth, their hair in a bun, and even the shawl tied around their waist is also uniform, then they walk hand in hand carrying gebogan offerings, which is the same average height as a temple, They are following the Mapeed tradition.

Mapeed Tradition

mapeed tradition
Ig by @klaasstoppels

Mapeed means walking hand in hand, this tradition is only followed by women. So the women line up and deliver the offerings.

The Mapeed tradition is a form of gratitude for Balinese Hindus to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, God Almighty.

You can only find this unique tradition 10 days after Kuningan Day. The offerings they bring are offerings that will be brought to the temple.

Mapeed Ceremony series

mapeed tradition

After the convoy has walked to the temple, Arriving at the temple, the gebogan containing offerings is purified by the local priest by sprinkling holy water, known as Tirta. After the gebogan is sprinkled with holy water, the prayer service can begin.

If an offering contains dirty or broken items, the offering will not be accepted and will be returned to the owner. Offerings that are not presented properly are considered not given sincerely, so the owner must pay customary sanctions.

Rules in the Mapeed Tradition

mapeed tradition
Ig by @infobalinews

The Mapeed tradition itself has clear rules for its implementation. Apart from only being able to be done by women, mapeed also cannot be done alone and must be carried out together.

The procession in the Mapeed tradition in Bali is usually carried out in two waves. The first wave came from the west of the village (tempek kauh), and the second wave came from the east of the village (tempek kangin).

Properties in the Mapeed Tradition

mapeed tradition

In carrying out this tradition, of course, there are certain properties, both clothing and accessories, that must be brought during the event.

The women who follow this tradition dress up neatly in a uniform kebaya. Cloths were tied around their waists, while their lower bodies were wrapped in sarongs, and their hair was tied in a beautiful bun.

Other equipment that they must bring is offerings that have been neatly arranged one meter high in gebogan. Gebogan is a series of fruit, cakes, various traditional snacks, flowers, and leaf decorations arranged in a place called Dulang.


an ancestral heritage that must be preserved for generations to come.

So it’s no wonder this tradition is not only carried out by mothers, but also by teenagers and daughters.

When the convoy of women walks to deliver the offerings, usually their family members will accompany them outside the line wearing full traditional Balinese clothes.

Take the time to see this one tradition while in Bali, yes, this tradition is usually carried out ahead of Galungan.

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