Life Style

The Gathering Place for Various Paintings at the Ubud Diary Gallery

Ig by @ubuddiary

Visa Bali Info – Ubud 

The city of Ubud, is located in the central part of the island of Bali, Indonesia. Known as a center for traditional dances and crafts, the rainforests and rice terraces that surround the Ubud area, plus temples and shrines, are one of Bali’s most famous landscapes (wikipedia).

However, did you know that in this Ubud area there is a gallery that is specifically for artists.

Starting from artworks, antique wood art items and many paintings that have high artistic value, especially Ubud style paintings.

Gallery Ubud Diary

Galleri Ubud is a gallery that shows a love for ancient Indonesian art and culture in a modern setting.

For more than 20 years, this gallery has been collecting antique wood art items that can be worn in a contemporary or contemporary feel.

Gallery Ubud Diary Design

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The presence of the Ubud Diary on a plot of land in Lodtunduh Ubud, the establishment of the Ubud Diary Gallery did not use even 1cm of new wood.

By applying the principle that Ubud, which is already beautiful, will be more beautiful with the presence of a variety of paintings in addition to antique wood art items.

Variety of Paintings at Gallery Ubud Diary

Ig by @ubuddiary

By applying a principle that already beautiful Ubud will be more beautiful with the presence of a variety of paintings in addition to antique wood art items.

A dozen years ago, he has also collected many paintings that are considered to have high artistic value, especially Ubud-style paintings.

So this activity provides a stage for Ubud artists to display their work and helps artists to be able to exhibit in Ubud Diary.

Gallery Ubud Diary Provides Creative Painting Opportunities for Ubud Painting Artists

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Ubud Diary provides a stage for Ubud artists to display their works. Helping Ubud artists to have solo exhibitions in Ubud Diary.

Based on the Ubud style painting is currently at a critical stage where the painters are getting old while the younger generation of successors does not yet exist.

Ubud Painting Works Once Appreciated By Queen Elizabeth II

This Ubud painting once attracted the attention of the British queen who encouraged her to visit Ubud in 1974.

Prior to the visit, the British ambassador first met with the owner of a small gallery in Pengosekan, Ubud and purchased a barong painting by the painter “Nyoman Karsa” and “Melasti” by the painter Ketut Gelgel.

The painting was then shown to the British queen Ellizabeth II who then liked and wanted to see the painter who was in Ubud firsthand.

During the visit, Queen Ellizabeth II was also seen observing traditional Ubud paintings at Mangku Made Gina’s art gallery in Pengosekan, Ubud. News of Queen Ellizabeth II’s visit was covered by Kompas in 1974.

The Ubud Diary has been collecting Ketut Gelgel’s works for a long time even before knowing that Gelgel’s works were brought to England.

Ketut Gelgel has a stage at Ubud Dairy along with other Ubud artists to jointly develop this Ubud art for the next generation.

Expected to be a Place of Regeneration of Painters with Ubud Style Painting

With the existence of a forum in the form of Gallery Ubud Diary, it is hoped that this can be a regeneration of painters with Ubud-style paintings.

Considering that Ubud-style painting is currently at a critical stage, the painters are getting old while the younger generation of successors does not yet exist.

Made Ary as the owner of Ubud Diary said that Ubud-style paintings are likened to very beautiful flowers. However, in the next 10-20 years, if there are no more senior painters, the beauty of the flower will decrease or even disappear.

 “This is what we built, let’s paint again. We don’t just display and sell paintings but also become a vehicle for young people to be able to paint like this. We are starting to develop this platform”.

Equipped with QR-Code

All works exhibited at the Ubud Diary are equipped with detailed information on these items with the QR-CODE program so that all visitors can enjoy all the works and items displayed freely.

Location and Hours of Operation

Address :

Jl. A A. Gede Rai No.550, Lodtunduh, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, Bali 80571


Operational hour :

Every day, 09.00-17.00 WITA.


Make sure you visit this gallery when you are in Bali, not infrequently this gallery often holds events to introduce Ubud-style paintings.

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