
The Attraction of Alas Pala Sangeh

Alas Pala Sangeh
Ig by @riohelmi

Visa Bali Info – Alas Pala Sangeh

Talking about the island of Bali will never end. Beauty, uniqueness and diversity blend into one.

This island, known as the Island of the Gods, has an area of ​​around 5,780 square kilometers. Bali is indeed a small island but has a lot of beauty that is second to none.

If you go to Bali, don’t just focus on the beach, Bali has complete tours for you to explore while on vacation.

Like Alas Pala Sameh, for those of you who like nature, of course you will stop by and enjoy this forest which is inhabited by many monkeys. Check out Alas Pala Sameh’s review below!

Alas Pala Sameh / Pala Sangeh Forest

Alas Pala Sangeh
Ig by @nowbalimag

Alas Pala Sangeh is located in Sangeh Traditional Village which has an area of ​​450 hectares with a population of 4,367 people or around 3,000 households as of December 31, 2020.

It is in this village that there is a forest conservation area of ​​nearly 14 hectares or 13.91 ha to be precise according to the Decree of the Minister of Forestry number SK.203/Menhut-II/2014 concerning Designation of the Sangeh Natural Tourism Park Area (RTK.21) in Badung Regency, Bali Province. This rule of law was issued on March 3, 2014.

Nutmeg (Pala) Tree Habitat Since the 17th Century

Alas Pala Sangeh
Ig by @bibit_kitta

The majority of the flora that grows in this forest are nutmeg trees (Dipterocarpus hasseltii) which number around 400 trees and are between 200 and 400 years old.

In the Lontar Chronicle of Mengwi, nutmeg has been planted in this forest since the time of the Mengwi Kingdom in the 17th century. This coincided with the presence of the Bukit Sari Temple which is in the middle of the forest.

For the local community, nutmeg is used for various religious activities such as cremation ceremonies and has a big impact on their conservation efforts.

The involvement of the Sangeh Traditional Village community in protecting and preserving this sacred forest also has a positive effect on the sustainability of this forest.

Local people are strictly prohibited from cutting down trees that grow in the forest and are only allowed to take twigs, leaves or fruit that has fallen to the ground.

Also Known For The Long Tailed Monkey Forest

Alas Pala Sangeh
Ig by @dafamsavvoyaseminyak

As a forest whose habitat is protected, this forest is also inhabited by many species of long-tailed gray monkey (Macaca fascicularis).

The resident monkeys in the Sangeh nutmeg forest are divided into three groups or banjars according to the Balinese version, namely the East Banjar, Central Banjar and West Banjar groups. Each banjar or group has a group leader.

Every day, 3 to 4 sacks of cassava and banana feed weighing 50 kilograms are given to the monkeys here.

This variety of monkey food is specially grown in the gardens of residents through village treasury funds obtained from selling tickets to enter the nutmeg forest.

Regular feeding in the morning and evening is intended so that the monkeys here become tame and don’t disturb the tourists.

Even though the monkeys here are tame, you still have to be careful so that the monkeys don’t do anything that can hurt you.

Location and Tourism of Alas Pala Sangeh

The location of the Sangeh nutmeg tourist spot is on Jl Brahmana, Banjar Brahmana, Sangeh Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency, Bali.

Ticket prices for Alas Pala Sangeh Tourism

Entrance Ticket Prices For Domestic / Indonesian Citizens

Adults: IDR 15,000/person

Children: IDR 5,000/person

Entrance ticket prices for foreigners / foreigners

Adults: IDR 15,000/person

Children: IDR 5,000/person

For vehicle parking fees, for motorbikes Rp. 2,000, cars Rp. 5,000 and tourist buses Rp. 10,000.

Note, the prices above may change at any time according to the latest circumstances and conditions.


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