Bali Island

Sustainable Tourism in Bali

Sustainable Tourism in Bali
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Sustainable Tourism in Bali – Visa4Bali

It has become commonplace for Bali to be the busiest and most popular tourism city that Indonesia has. Even the tourists who come are not only domestic but also foreign. Starting to develop rapidly in the 1930s, Bali has until now remained a prima donna. However, the influx of tourist visits and the proliferation of tourism-based industries on the island of Bali have had an impact not only on relations between Balinese people and culture but also on nature conservation. Many rice fields, which support food security in Bali, have turned into hotels, villas, luxury resorts, restaurants, cafes, and entertainment venues.

Sustainable Tourism in Bali
Ig by @beritabalihits

Bali is starting to clean up

With the large amount of land that has changed its function and the large number of tourists who have come, of course, problem after problem begins to overshadow the island of Bali, from the shifting of indigenous people from their homes to being replaced by migrants (gentrification), piles of garbage from various tourism properties, some cultures and traditions that are extinct or not again practiced by the community, the problem of water availability, to crime. If it is not balanced with improvements on all fronts, Bali will become a slum city and no longer have an identity. One of the steps taken is to return Bali tourism to its “roots” and in line with the philosophy of life of the Balinese people in general, namely Tri Hita Karana.

Trihita Karana

The regional government of Bali issued Regional Regulation of the Province of Bali Number 5 of 2020 regarding Standards for Implementing Balinese Cultural Tourism. The regional government in Bali made Tri Hita Karana and local wisdom Sad Kerthi a reference in tourism practices in Bali. Tri Hita Karana is the philosophy of life for the Balinese people, which can be understood as a balanced relationship between humans and the Creator, humans and fellow humans, and humans and nature. All tourism practices are based on the local wisdom values of Tri Hita Karana and Sad Kerthi and are also oriented towards the principles of sustainability. So that it makes Bali’s nature and tourism sustainable.

Some sustainable tours in Bali

Ecotourism at Taman Sari Buwana

Sustainable Tourism in Bali
Ig by @viviianella

Located in Tunjuk Village, Tabanan District, Taman Sari Buwana is one of the places that carry the concept of sustainable tourism. Utilizing the attractiveness of the potential of natural resources and human resources When you visit this village, you can breathe healthy air and pamper your eyes with green terraced rice fields. Activities that you can take part in include participating in the daily activities of the community, such as farming. Starting from the process of farming, harvesting, and traditional food processing, as well as the opportunity to live with the local community.

Turtle conservation 

Sustainable Tourism in Bali
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Serangan Island is one of the sites for turtle conservation. Serangan Island is located southeast of Denpasar; if you are from Sanur or Kuta, you need 15 minutes to drive there. Serangan Island is famous as a nesting ground for green turtles and is home to many temples and traditional ceremonial celebrations. Here there is a Turtle Conservation and Education Center (TCEC), which was established to rehabilitate turtle marine biota that is in full danger. This conservation center provides an opportunity for visitors, both tourists and academics, who want to learn about and be involved in protecting local sea turtles. Activities to participate in include adopting baby turtles and then releasing them back into the sea, volunteering, and making donations to support the efforts of the turtle conservation center.

Cultural preservation in Kamasan village

Sustainable Tourism in Bali
Ig by @putraradar

One form of sustainable tourism, besides preserving the environment, is preserving local culture. As is the case in Kamasan village, one of the villages that accommodates many artists of classical Balinese painting. Here you can learn traditional arts, which can be an easy way to support local craftsmen in Bali. You can find various painting galleries and workshops that have been run by families with artistic skills passed down from generation to generation. Having varied artwork motifs, Kamasan’s painting is characterized by visual narration in the form of wayang figures inspired by episodes from popular Hindu stories, such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata. The medium for painting varies; it has been applied to cloth, bark, and more recently, canvas.


Hopefully the review on sustainable tourism in Bali above can be useful for you.

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