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Rattan Crafts That Become Balinese Souvenirs

Visa Bali Info – Bali`s Rattan

Actually, there are many souvenirs from Bali that you can bring when you return from your vacation to Bali. Starting from Balinese clothes, paintings, sculptures, etc. But did you know that apart from being used as a furniture product, rattan craftsmanship can also be used as a bag and can be a gift for you when you are on vacation in Bali.

Rattan is part of the plant, the rattan plant is a kind of palm vine that can grow to a length of more than 100 meters.


In the past, rattan was one of Indonesia’s leading natural materials. Rattan is widely used as a raw material for furniture.

But now, there is an innovation made from rattan, which is processed into bags. Now, the use of rattan bags has become a trend in the fashion world.

Its unique shape and ethnic impression make women even more interested in using it. This business opportunity is what a number of business actors are trying to work on, of course, this business opportunity is definitely being utilized by craftsmen in Bali.

Local Crafts of Balinese Rattan Bags So Hurry up

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The rattan bag that is being hunted is indeed a craft product from Bali. Usually found in Ubud Market.

You can also find these rattan bag crafts in online shops, of course this makes it easier for you to buy the results of Balinese rattan bag crafts.

Bags are a fashion item that always accompanies activities. There are many types and manufactures of different materials. In addition, you can adjust the design and model according to the activity.

Bali rattan bags are the latest attraction that is quite popular, both among local and foreign tourists. Of the many models of this rattan bag, the most popular is a round bag with cute and classic accents.

Besides being unique and artistic, the advantage of rattan bags is that they are weather resistant. For the price of this rattan bag, it is quite affordable, priced from Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 300,000.

Bali Rattan Crafts During the Pandemic and After the Covid 19 Pandemic

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Who would have thought that due to the pandemic, rattan craftsmen in Bali have even received orders for the past three years. They earn up to tens of millions of rupiah per month.

The pandemic period has even become profitable times for rattan craftsmen in Bali. Rattan crafts that are very lucky during a pandemic are furniture crafts.

This is during the pandemic, people who were previously busy with their activities must stay at home. Starting from work, study, to play is done at their residence.

This is then a factor that supports people starting to decorate, beautify and tidy up their homes.

Also supported by trends on various social media such as youtube, instagram, tiktok and others about beautifying home decorations, nurturing the public’s attraction to rattan crafts. Home furnishings made of rattan, become a must-have item for connoisseurs of decorative beauty.

Advantages of Rattan Crafts

The following are the advantages of goods made from rattan, whether it is in the form of furniture items to become fashion items;

  • Eco-Friendly Material

Rattan is a natural material that is environmentally friendly and easy to obtain. Because rattan is a plant that is easy to live and grows quickly.

Not only that, rattan also has easy maintenance. When harvesting rattan, you only need a few simple tools.

  • Durable

Choose something that is durable and long lasting. Likewise with Balinese rattan handicrafts which have superior quality.

If you compare it to plastic and bamboo materials, rattan comes with the advantages of both materials. This is because the material used to make this bag is weather-resistant.

  • Multifunction

As discussed above, apart from being a furniture item, rattan has penetrated the fashion world.

  • Easy Maintenance

The next advantage is that it has ease in terms of maintenance. When this rattan item gets dirty, you just have to wipe it with a clean cloth.

Rub the wet cloth on the stain that sticks. If it’s really clean, let it dry for a while. Then you can put it back on.


This natural product is indeed very interesting and eccentric. If you use this rattan bag, it will certainly look unique and ethnic.

If your house has rattan furniture, of course your home will be so ethnically impressed.

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