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Get to know Semarang City, the Capital of Central Java Province

Ig by @wisatasemarang

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Semarang is the fifth largest metropolitan city in Indonesia. Semarang is also the capital city of Central Java province.

The city of Semarang also places itself as a metropolitan city side by side with Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and Bandung.

By air, the city of Semarang is located about 558 km east of Jakarta or 312 km west of Surabaya and 621 km southwest of Banjarmasin.

Having a long history, Semarang is bordered by the Java Sea, to the north of Demak district. In the west of Kendal district.

Administratively, the city of Semarang has an area of ​​373.70 sq km, which means that the city of Semarang is the largest municipality on the island of Java.

The Origin of the Name of the City of Semarang

The origin of the naming of the city of Semarang is derived from the word “sem” which means acid from the tamarind tree and from the word “arang” which means “rarely”, which is then combined to form “rarely acid”.

The naming of the word “Semarang” itself began when Ki Ageng Pandanaran 1 alias Ki Ageng Pandan Arang (the first regent of Semarang), came to an island of Tirang (near the port of Bergota) and saw a tamarind tree that rarely grew close together.

During the Dutch East Indies colonial era, the city of Semarang was changed to the word “Samarang”. It was important for the colonial Dutch East Indies because Semarang was a three port center (Jakarta and Surabaya) because it was a supplier of agricultural products from the interior of Java.

Become a Port City


The city of Semarang is a strategic area in the economy and the contribution of goods and services since pre-colonial times.

The rivers that flow in the city center used to be a port area. The port became the forerunner of the growth of Semarang City to become an urban area today.

Currently due to river sedimentation, the Semarang river is no longer possible for traffic lanes. Then the port was relocated to Muara Baru. Currently, the main port in Semarang is Tanjung Emas Port.

Becoming Part of the History of Indonesian Railways

Semarang became the first milestone in the construction of the Dutch East Indies railway, starting with the construction of a railroad that started from Kemijen Village to Responsibility Village along 26 km with a track width of 1435 mm.

The construction of the railway in Semarang was initiated by a private company Naamlooze Vennootschap Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NV NISM) (translation: The company is not named the Nederland-Indonesian Railway Company) led by Ir. JP. de Bordes.

Then after the Kemijen – Tanggung rail section, continued the construction of a rail that could connect the city of Semarang – Surakarta (110 Km) on February 10, 1870. Semarang has two main train stations, namely Semarang Tawang Station and Semarang Poncol Station.

Semarang Tourism Destinations

Ig by @wisatasemarang

Not inferior to other tourist cities, Semarang also has popular tourist attractions including;

  • Lawang Sewu
  • Saloka Theme Park
  • Sam Poo Kong Temple
  • Semarang Old Town
  • Avalokitesvara Pagoda
  • Rainbow Village
  • Ranggawarsita Museum
  • Brown Canyon Semarang
  • Dusun Semilir Eco Park
  • Marina Beach
  • Indonesian World Record Museum
  • Ambarawa Railway Museum
  • Semarang Wildlife Park

Culinary Tour in Semarang

Ig by @e_ndro

In addition to tourist attractions that contain history and natural beauty, Semarang also has a popular culinary specialty, namely spring rolls.

Lumpia Semarang is special because of the stuffing of this spring roll itself. Spring rolls generally only use bamboo shoots or vegetables such as carrots, sprouts, and cabbage. Meanwhile, Lumpia Semarang is usually made from bamboo shoots, chicken / shrimp, and eggs.

Even though it is famous for its spring rolls, Semarang still has many unique and delicious cuisines. Culinary such as Tofu Dreads, Garang Asem Chicken, Soto Bangkong, Tripe Gongso, Banana Plenet, Roti Ganjal Rail, Nasi Pindang, Wingko Tripe, Milkfish Presto, Gandos, Mi Kopyok, and many more.


Visiting Indonesia will not be satisfied if it is only for a short time, or you schedule it regularly so that you can enjoy every beautiful area in Indonesia.

Hopefully the article about the city of Semarang above can be your reference for a vacation in Indonesia.

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