Bali News

Fun Facts about Galungan Day in Bali

galungan day
Ig @my.gratitute.bali

Visa Bali Info – Galungan Day is a Balinese Hindu holiday every 210 days using the Balinese calendar calculation, namely on Kliwon Dungulan Buddha day as the day of Dharma’s victory against Adharma (wikipedia).

Galungan is also celebrated by the Tengger tribe at the foot of Mount Bromo in Probolinggo Regency. This celebration has been carried out since Hinduism entered the region.

The History and Meaning of Galungan Day

Balinese people believe that the spirits of the ancestors will return on Galungan Day, it is an obligation for them to welcome it with prayers and offerings.

If you look at the calendar in the Balinese calendar, one month consists of 35 days. Galungan Day always falls on Kliwon Wednesday.

The special term to refer to that day is Kliwon Dungulan Buddha or Kliwon Wednesday with Dungulan wuku.

Its meaning is the day of victory of dharma (righteousness) over adharma (evil).

A series of ritual processions colored the Galungan celebration. The Balinese, who are predominantly Hindu, are always enthusiastic and solemn in running it.

Galungan Great Day for Balinese Hindu Community

There is an important meaning behind Galungan Day. The essence of Galungan is that humans must be able to control desires that can disrupt inner peace and life.

Human desire is divided into three times, namely;

  1. Kala Amangkurat is the desire for power that leads to greed, wanting to rule, and wanting to maintain power despite deviation.
  2. Kala Dungulan is the desire to seize everything that belongs to others.
  3. Kala Galungan is the desire to win by justifying all means.

Fun Facts on Galungan Day in Bali

1. Sugihan Jawa

galungan day
Ig @info_mengwi

On this Sugihan Jawa day, the Balinese Hindu Community will start cleaning the temple.

Whether it’s pretending to be in the countryside or a family temple located in their respective yards.

2. Panyekeban

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Ig @hindulampung

Three days before Galungan, Hindus in Bali will celebrate the Penyekeban or day to cover.

Hindus will usually prepare green bananas covered in large clay pots to speed up the ripening process.

3. Penyajaan 

galungan day
Ig @plazarenon

Two days before Galungan is called Penance. Hindus in Bali will make jaja or Balinese rice cakes. Jaja is made from rice flour and is eaten during Galungan celebrations.

4. Hindus pray at the temple during Galungan

During Galungan Day, Hindus in Bali will spend time praying at the temple. Balinese people will wear traditional clothes to pray at the temple.

5. Galungan Identical to Penjor

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Ig @imdesurya

Two days before Galungan takes place, the Balinese Hindu community will start installing penjor decorations in the yard and along the road.

Penjor is usually made of curved and decorated bamboo. Penjor is a symbol of nature, so the penjor contains fruits, rice and agricultural products.

Then the agricultural products that become the contents of the penjor are the results of the garden that has been prayed for.

6. Panampahan

galungan day
Ig @infokarangasem_id

On the day before Galungan, it is commonly known as Penampahan Day. Hindus in Bali will prepare meat for the Galungan ceremony.

Penampahan Day is used as a day to prepare food. Then, Balinese people will slaughter a pig as a form of gratitude.

7. Sweet Galungan

The day after Galungan, is usually called the Sweet Galungan day. a time where Hindus in Bali will spend time visiting family from one house to another.

In addition, this moment is usually used as a day to go to several tourist attractions.


Bali with all forms of natural and cultural beauty, will certainly provide a lot of insight into knowledge.

It’s not wrong if later you invite your family and children for a holiday on Galungan. Here your children will be introduced to culture in Indonesia, especially Bali.

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