Bali Island

Fire War Tradition, Welcoming Nyepi

Fire War Tradition
Ig by @punapibali

Visa Bali Info – Fire War Tradition

The large number of ancestral heritages passed down to the community is something that is unique as a tradition, this happens a lot in various parts of Indonesia.

Then, this tradition is still carried out today and is still believed to provide a lot of safety and abundance of fortune for the people who carry it out.

Like one of the traditions in Bali, in the form of a fire war tradition. This tradition is often carried out just before Nyepi Day.

We will summarize information about this unique tradition for you, check it out!

Fire War Tradition

The tradition of fire war has meaning and is held with the aim of melting and destroying the characteristics of bhuta kala that exist in humans, the fire is the destroyer of bad traits such as anger, envy, and also human greed.

The tradition of this fire war is usually carried out by young people, they use dry coconut leaves tied to resemble a broom. The dried coconut leaves are then lit on fire and fought like people fight.

The youths who follow this tradition are also bare-chested, using the tridatu cloth as kamen. This is accompanied by the sound of drums being beaten by the locals and the tradition of the fire war.

3 Places of the Fire War Tradition in the Bali Region

There are at least three places that carry out this tradition in Bali, including:

1. The tradition of fire fighting in Unggahan village, Buleleng

Fire War Tradition
Ig by @focusfeelsecond

The fire war tradition in Unggahan Village, Seririt District, is carried out as a series of Nyepi ceremonies.

Using the means of dry coconut leaves, they were tied up to the size of an adult’s thigh. Then the person carrying the dried coconut leaves will burn them and start fighting other residents, and the fire war will end when the fire is dead.

This tradition is sacred to neutralize negative forces so that they do not interfere with Nyepi Day later.

2. The tradition of fire war, or Siat Geni, in the village of Tuban, Badung

Fire War Tradition
Ig by @bayusastranegari

Siat means war or fight, geni means fire. The history of the Siat Geni Tradition in Tuban Village is related to the expansion or arrival of the Majapahit troops to Bali, to be precise, around the current Ngurah Rai Airport.

The Siat Geni tradition is not like the firefighting tradition ahead of Nyepi Day, this tradition was originally intended to open land in a place that was still forest, where at that time a pawisik was obtained so that residents would make offerings to God Agni. Then an offering is made in the form of fire war, or siat geni.

This tradition is carried out on the full moon day of Sasih Kapat (the fourth month in the Balinese calendar) at Dalem Tuban Temple.

The tradition that is still being preserved today aims to transform negative auras into positive ones.

3. Tradition of Lukat Gni in Klungkung

Fire War Tradition
Ig by @kabarklungkung

Lukat gni comes from the words lukat, which means self-cleaning, and gni, which means fire. Lukat gni has the meaning of cleansing Bhuana Alit (microcosm) and Bhuana Agung (macrocosm). This tradition is useful for maintaining the balance between nature and humans so that harmony can be created during the Nyepi Day celebration.

The Lukat Gni tradition is carried out at the village crossroads, or catus pata. Where each resident who follows this tradition will throw dry coconut leaves that are burned to each other.

The Philosophy of the Fire War Tradition

Fire War Tradition
Ig by @vejanoinsta

The tradition of the ancestral heritage of this fire war has a meaningful philosophy. It is interpreted as a damper for someone’s anger or to dampen negative things between bhuana agung (human and God) and bhuana alit (human and human). Then, in this pure tradition, there is no winning or losing. But it is able to foster bonds of brotherhood among the villagers.


It’s not just a tradition full of beauty that is visible to the eye, but also how we can preserve and maintain how culture continues to grow in younger generations.

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