
Explore Bedugul Bali Botanical Gardens

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Ig by @infotabanan

Visa Bali Info – Bedugul Bali

The variety of tourist attractions in Bali really spoils tourists who visit to spend their vacation.

Starting from the natural beauty, the uniqueness of customs, even places that contain the history of Indonesia in Bali.

In addition, there are also many nuanced tours of knowledge. Such as zoos, museums, national parks to places that provide skills courses.

One of those who provide knowledge is the Bedugul Botanical Gardens. Here besides you enjoy the beauty, here you will learn about plants.

Bedugul Botanical Gardens Bali

Bedugul Botanical Gardens is a botanical garden that was first established after Indonesian independence in Tabanan district.

The initiator of the establishment of this botanical garden is Prof. Ir. Kusnanto and I Made Taman. This botanical garden has been inaugurated since 1959, precisely on July 15.

At the beginning of the inauguration, the area of ​​​​the botanical garden only reached 50 hectares and was used for planting needle-leaved plants.

Until now, it has undergone 11 management changes and its area has increased to 157.5 hectares.

The Largest Botanical Garden in Indonesia

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Based on its function, it has also undergone a transition which was originally used as a conservation measure for needle-leaved plants, now it has changed its function as an ex-situ conservation area for tropical mountain plants, especially plants typical of eastern Indonesia.

In fact, several times the Bali Botanical Gardens became the object of research. Some parties also cultivate plants in the botanical garden.

Until now there have been around 2,000 species of plants that have been cultivated including bamboo, cactus, orchids, ferns, and others. So this botanical garden is also known as the largest botanical garden in Indonesia.

Collection of Plants in Bali Botanical Garden

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Ig by @tabanan_today

The collections in the Bali Botanical Gardens are grouped into garden complexes based on their type.

  • Usada Park
  • Nirvana Solar Park
  • Rhododendron Park
  • Nail Garden or Cyathea Garden
  • Rose Garden
  • Bamboo Garden
  • Aquatic Park
  • Panca Yadnya Park
  • Cactus Greenhouse
  • Begonia Greenhouse
  • Orchid Garden, and others.

Bedugul Botanical Gardens Bali Attractions

  1. Beautiful and cool view

Located at an altitude that ranges from 1,250 to 1,450 meters above the sea. Because it belongs to the highlands, the humidity reaches 70 to 90 percent.

2. Lake Beratan Bedugul

To arrive at Lake Beratan Bedugul, you only need to drive about 10 minutes from the Bedugul Botanical Gardens area.

3. Strawberry Picking Garden

Those of you who visit can enjoy the moment of picking strawberries straight from the tree, and they are even allowed to eat them. However, if you want to take it home, then they have to buy it.

4. Yellow Temple Traditional Market

This traditional market is a place to sell various garden products grown by local people.

Some of the garden products traded in this market are strawberries, tomatoes, oranges, passion fruit, soursop, salak, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, mustard greens, and other types of plants.

In this market, tourists can also find a variety of handicrafts such as carvings and local clothing.

5. Bentar Temple

Candi Bentar is a temple located in the middle between Madya Mandala and Nista Mandala, which is useful as an entrance.

When observed, its shape resembles a mountain that is split into two parts. This building is a symbol of the broken Mount Kailaca, the mountain is the hermitage of Lord Shiva.

6. Statue of Kumbakarna Laga

This Kumbakarna statue keeps a historical story. In Hindu literature, there is a story of a battle between the monkey army and the leader, namely Rama against Kumbakarna.

7. Rose Garden

In this garden, you can enjoy the beauty of roses with very diverse types.

8. Usada Bali

Usada Bali is a holistic center that holds artistic excellence from the local area.

If you come here, you will be offered to learn self-defense, yoga, and other experiences. In fact, you can also learn a little Balinese dance.

Location and Hours of Operation

Bedugul Botanical Garden tourist destinations are included in the Tabanan Regency area, more precisely in Candikuning Village.

You can visit this tourist spot on any day from 08.00 to 18.00 WITA. However, for some reason, some areas such as the begonias, orchids and cacti areas are closing faster.


It is the right choice for you to vacation here with family and friends. You will get a different vacation experience with very beautiful plant views.

Bali Visa Agency : www.visa4bali.com – Experienced specialists managing the entire application process from start to finish

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