
Educational Tourism Destination, Bali Cocoa Village

Cocoa Village

Visa Bali Info – Educational Tourism Destination, Bali Cocoa Village

The taste is sweet and also gives the impression of being slightly bitter on the tongue, who doesn’t know or like chocolate.

Who would have thought that the content in chocolate could relieve stress and raise one’s mood, adding to the allure of this chocolate itself.

There is a Cocoa Village in Bali, to be precise in Cau Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency. Here you will know how to grow chocolate fruit to the manufacturing process.

Educational Tourism Objects in Tabanan

Since opening in October 2020, Bali Cocoa Village has captured the interest of many tourists who want to find interesting tourist spots.

The Bali Chocolate Village is included in a new tourist attraction that offers educational holidays.

This place can be an alternative vacation spot that is highly recommended for you parents in particular.

According to the owner, I Wayan Alit Artha Wiguna, the reason travelers choose a vacation spot to the Bali Cocoa Village is besides traveling, they are also given the opportunity to see various types of cocoa trees and another interesting option is to try the challenge of how to make chocolate itself until it is suitable for consumption.

This is really interesting, especially if you invite your children, nephews and loved ones.

Slip Travel Insights

Cocoa Village

As an agro-tourism destination as well as education, here you can get to know more about chocolate starting from the process of planting, processing, to consuming it or bringing it home as a souvenir.

One of the lessons learned is about traditional chocolate processing. Chocolate is not made using modern technology that uses so many machines and people. In ancient times it was very simple, chopped chocolate, and made powder (powder). This is what you will find when you are in this Bali Cocoa Village

Tour in Cocoa Plantation, Cocoa Village

Cocoa Village

You will be invited to take a tour at this location, while at the cocoa plantation location you will be given the opportunity to see various types of cacao trees.

Then you will also be invited by a guide to see cocoa-type chocolate trees and also see the process of making and packing chocolate ready for consumption behind the glass of the room that has been prepared.

After being given the opportunity to see various types of cocoa trees, there is a session where you will be invited to make chocolate until it is fit for consumption.

Entrance and tour ticket prices in the Chocolate Village

Cocoa Village

For the price of your entrance ticket, you will be charged IDR 35,000 per person, this rate is a group rate, for example for school children, with a minimum of 20 people. However, this rate does not include chocolate making.

The tour package itself consists of two packages, including;

A short chocolate tour with a cost of around IDR 100,000 includes a tour of the cocoa garden, learning about a cocoa plant nursery, seeing activities in a chocolate factory, making chocolate and bringing the chocolate you make.

Complete tour, with a cost of IDR 500,000 you will learn about culture and see chocolate planting and making. More complex where you will start from morning to evening.

Enjoy the Balinese Chocolate Village Special Menu

Cocoa Village

After a day of enjoying walks in the cocoa plantations and following the chocolate-making process, it’s time to rest at this restaurant in Chocolate Village.

You can enjoy a menu that is all made from chocolate, this will be very fun to spend with your children, relatives and friends.

Location and Hours of Operation

Located on Jalan Raya Marga-Apuan, Km 7, Cau Village, Tabanan Regency. If you are from Denpasar, it will take around 1-1.5 hours of travel.

The operating hours are open every day from 08.00 to 17.00. Open every day except for Nyepi.


Even though the distance is far from the city, the trip will pay off when you arrive at this Bali Chocolate Village. To make your trip easier, it is recommended to rent a car or go with friends by bus to join the tour.

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