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Balinese Coffee Brewing Journey at Domba Coffee Factory

Domba Coffee Factory

Visa Bali Info – Domba Coffee Factory

Talking about coffee indeed for connoisseurs and enthusiasts really has a deep philosophical meaning.

Bitter, but the fragrance when you inhale the aroma at the same time when you drink it is truly a pleasure for coffeeholics.

Like recent research examining coffee, where consuming coffee can have several positive effects on health.

For example increasing the body’s metabolism, increasing endurance, and benefits for mental health.

Such is the journey of coffee for individuals, but what about the journey of a Domba Coffee Factory?

Have you just heard and learned about this coffee factory? We will review a little about the factory that produces this typical Balinese coffee. Listen!

The Early Story of Domba Coffee Factory

Domba Coffee Factory
Ig by @gwkbali

Founded in 1996 by Charles Huang, at first Charles Huang came to Bali like many others, namely to try his luck in the economic field for survival.

Choosing the tourism industry as the main place for livelihood and choosing to be a guide, especially for Taiwanese tourists.

The man who was born on March 27, 1967, has succeeded in becoming a guide for tourists in Bali. Until finally Charles Huang came to the dark side of Bali tourism.

Where he was lulled by alcoholic drinks because of the demands of accompanying tourists. Until one day, Charles Huang had to be rushed to the hospital because of his asthma.

From his bad habits, Charles realized he had to leave these bad habits but stay in his profession.

In 1996, he boldly flipped all over the profession. Thanks to the guidance of God Almighty, after receiving instructions, Charles bought coffee equipment and 50 kg of coffee with all his savings.

Carrying the name Domba Coffee Factory, this man from Pekanbaru is determined to focus on and build his coffee factory and leave his old profession as a tour guide.

Domba Coffee Factory Currently

Domba Coffee Factory

The long journey to establishing this coffee factory led Charles to build his third factory on Jalan Mertanadi II, Banjar Abianbase, Kuta.

Where everything started with a simple factory, until now it is now possible to build a third factory. Not only the Domba Coffee Factory, but Charles is currently expanding his business by building a Domba Coffee Shop.

The business that was started by Charles Huang from scratch is currently very beneficial for many people. Providing a positive impact in the form of jobs that can drive the economy for its workers.

Introducing Nusantara Coffee In Domba Coffee Factory

Domba Coffee Factory
Ig by @dailycoffeeyk

Uniquely, the coffee at Domba Coffee Shop is not only supplied by Balinese coffee farmers, but also from other regions in Indonesia.

Even Charles himself has been to the land of Papua to look for the best coffee seeds while there. Charles also buys coffee at competitive prices.

Providing a Brief Education

Domba Coffee Factory
Ig by @dartachandra

When you visit here, you will be given a brief education on how coffee starts and can finally be brewed in a cup of delicious coffee.

You will be told how to process coffee post-harvest, store it, roast it, and enjoy it. By going through photographs, props, and examples of coffee beans.

All information is conveyed orally by the interpreter, who will accompany you around the coffee lab. After you’ve been around, don’t forget to shop for various coffee products and their derivatives at this place. There is also genuine, certified civet coffee here.


The taste presented by the coffee here is quite unique. The coffee that you taste here is as usual, but when you bring this coffee home, the taste will be even more delicious when you brew it yourself at home.

How ? Quite curious about Domba Coffee Factory? Stop by when you go to Bali.


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