10 Benefits and Uses of PeduliLindungi for Instant Applications

Bali Visa Info – Citing the official website PeduliLindungi is an application developed to assist relevant government agencies in tracking to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

The PeduliLindung application is a platform designed by the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) and the Ministry of SOEs and is used by the Ministry of Health and the COVID-19 Task Force during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently the PeduliLindung application is one of the requirements to carry out activities in public places.

There are 10 benefits of the PeduliLindungi application, the following is an explanation ;

1. Provide information regarding zoning

This application can provide notifications if a user enters a certain zone whose category has been determined by the government through the Covid-19 Handling Committee and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN).

The zone can be a red, orange, yellow, or green zone, depending on the location the user is visiting.

2. Contact Tracing

If a user is diagnosed as positive for Covid-19, PeduliLindung will ask for the user’s approval to access contact tracing data within the last 14 days stored on the PeduliLindung server.

The data of other PeduliLindung users who made contact with you within the last 14 days will be used as the initial data source for the Indonesian government to carry out tracing.

For this reason, users will be asked to implement health protocols in accordance with local government regulations.

3. Displaying Covid-19 Case Statistics

This application can display statistics on Covid cases in the user’s area

4. Notifying Users When in Crowded Places

PeduliLindung will provide a notification if a user is identified as being in a crowd, which is in the same place as several other users who have activated the PeduliLindung application for quite a long time.

5. Digital Passport

The digital passport contains vaccine certificate data and COVID-19 test results in the application automatically.

People who have received a full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will receive two separate certificates each. Meanwhile, if you have just done an antigen or PCR test, the data on the COVID-19 test results will also be listed in the PeduliLindung application.

6. Vaccine Registration

Users can also use this application to register and get vaccines.

7. There is a Travel History

PeduliLindung can store and display user travel histories in the Travel Diary feature as part of the government’s contact tracing program.

8. Telemedicine

There is a Teledokter feature, a feature that users can use in conducting health checks and teleconsultation with doctors which will be facilitated by applications from third parties.

9. Can Create E-Hac

Reporting from the official website of the Ministry of Health, e-HAC or i Electronic – Health Alert Card is defined as a Health Alert Card. The e-HAC service can be used for traveling by public transportation, either by land, sea, or air.

10. As Proof To Access Public Service

This application can be used by users as a condition to access public facilities such as shopping centers, supermarkets, cinemas, tourist attractions, restaurants, sports facilities, public transportation, including office areas.

The only way is to scan or scan through the QR Code feature. After scanning, a scan result will appear indicating whether the user is allowed to access a place or not.

There will be a notification that presents a certain color, this is what it means :

No need to worry, this application is very secure so that your personal data will be kept safe in an encrypted format and will not be shared with others. Your data will only be accessed if you are at risk of contracting COVID-19 and need to be immediately contacted by health workers.

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